DelRain is an acoustic duo comprised of Mark and Michelle Sillaman residing in the Mid Coast Region of Maine, relocating from Northeastern PA in 2015. DelRain has an eclectic singer songwriter style with influences from bluegrass, rock, country, folk and a touch of the blues. Mark and Michelle have been writing and performing together for over twenty- five years, giving them a rich, well- seasoned connection to each other and to their music. Vocal melodies and harmonies are accompanied by Mark’s sensitive yet demonstrative guitar and harmonica playing woven with Michelle’s mandolin and violin undertones.
Creating a unique sound and feel in today’s music world is difficult, yet DelRain has gloriously achieved it. Their songs incorporate soul felt, straightforward lyrics with dreamy melodies, while upbeat rhythms perfectly express the attitudes and energy of Mark and Michelle. Their music is wonderfully diverse and speaks to today’s audience.